Thursday, February 2, 2012

penguin ---penguin --penguin

~Chinstrap Penguins~

/*get name from the small black band that runs under their chin. 
/*2 feet tall and weigh about 10 pounds. 
/*feed on krill and fish.
/* population of about 13 million.  
/*live on large icebergs on the open ocean in the Antarctic region.


~Emperor Penguins~

>the largest penguin species. 
>4 feet tall and weigh up to 90 pounds.
> easily identifiable by their size and the orange "glow" on their cheeks.
>live, year round, in the Antarctic. 
>Temperatures can fall as low as -140 degrees Fahrenheit (-60 degrees Celsius).  
>Most penguin species lay two eggs at a time, but due to the difficulty of raising chicks in such a harsh climate, the Emperor penguin only lays one egg.
>Most penguin species take turns warming the egg, but it's up to the Emperor penguin dads to do all the work once the egg is laid.  
>The male stands with the egg on his feet under a brood pouch (for warmth).  
>He does this for up to 9 weeks, without food, waiting for the chick to hatch.  
>During this time, the male may lose up to half its body weight.
>Once the egg hatches, the female returns and the male heads out to the ocean to feed.
Scientific genus and species:  Aptenodytes forsteri

-the smallest of the Antarctic penguins.  
-named after the wife of a French explorer in the 1830s
- 2 feet tall and weigh 8 or 9 pounds.  
- diet is mainly fish.
- build nests of stones on the rocky beaches of Antarctica, jealously guarding and often fighting over the best rocks.
- over 2.5 million breeding pairs living in Antarctica.
-live in groups of about 10,000 birds. 


~African Penguins~

*2 feet tall and weigh between 7 and 11 pounds.
* live and breed on the coast of South Africa. 
*  They are now a protected species, but are still caused trouble by oil spills off the coast of Africa.
* also known as the Blackfoot penguin.
*Scientific genus and species:  Spheniscus demersus